Sunday, November 3, 2013

This is Halloween & a Happy Birthday

     My birthday was pretty great even though I did have to work. At work I got free birthday lunch, and birthday cake, which I thought was super nice! Josh took me on a birthday date after work. We went to see Bad Grandpa, it was pretty funny for the most part. After the movie we had dinner at GoodWood. It was delicious as always. We then went to Applebees for a blondie. Yes we went to a different restaurant for dessert.

Saturday I got to go to Gardeners Village to see the witches. It was extremely busy but still fun! My grandma and I got free birthday dessert, and it was quite delicious. Speaking of delicious, we each bought a pound and a half of fudge! (We each had a coupon.) I got an awesome birthday present from my grandma. She made me a Halloween quilt! I love it. It's so cute! She is very talented.

I love my Grandma! I'm so glad I get to share my birthday with her!

My birthday didn't end there. My friends took my out to TGI Fridays for dinner! It was so nice to see them again. Steph and I had a very yummy drink. It was called a pink punk cosmo. Our waitress brought out our glasses with pink cotton candy in them. She then poured the drink in and the cotton candy dissolved into sugar. I would for sure order it again! I had a fantastic 22nd birthday!

Besides going to see the witches we also have another Halloween tradition; going to my Uncle Todd and Uncle Brent's for chili and fun Halloween movies! For those of you who have never been to my Uncle's house, let me tell you it is AMAZING at Halloween. These are some pictures from last year.

 This year they had around 200 trick or treaters! They had out king sized candy bars, and plus their house is awesome, so of course everyone wants to come trick or treating there. This year the movie we watched was Elvira, Mistress of the Dark. So funny. It was a good choice. I got to make the dessert this year and it turned out so yummy! Yes I found it on pintrest. I will post the recipe. It was like all the recipes I pin, very easy! I would say we had a great Halloween!

Happy Halloween!

1 comment:

  1. Josh's favorite aunt ;-)November 4, 2013 at 2:25 PM

    You guys are the cutest ever! Love you both to death! This blog is great! It was so good to see you the other day. Have a wonderful week!
